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Insulation Service

Thermal insulation is a temperature regulator inside the house, that is, in summer, in hot climates it keeps the house cool, and in winter, in cold climates it keeps the house warm, avoiding the use of air conditioning equipment.
Thermal insulation also has the advantage of saving energy. This is because the materials used such as rock wool, cotton panels, and wood fiber have a low thermal conductivity, limiting temperature loss and exchange from the inside to the outside of the house.
It is estimated that about 25% of energy escapes through the walls and ceilings of poorly insulated houses, which results in increased consumption in heating or cooling, as well as increased CO2 emissions thus decreasing the air quality of buildings.

Sound insulation is the creation of a barrier that reduces or prevents the passage of sound from the outside to the inside or vice versa.
In the sound insulation process the nature of the noise is evaluated so that the material applied is the right one.
Usually this insulation is incorporated into the thermal insulation because the materials used are effective in both types of insulation.
Isolamento em garagem

O isolamento térmico tem ainda a vantagem de poupar energia, isto acontece porque os materiais utilizados tais como lã de rocha, painéis de algodão e fibra de madeira possuem uma condutividade térmica baixa, ou seja, limitam as perdas e trocas de temperatura do interior para o exterior da casa.

Estima-se que cerca de 25% da energia escapa pelas paredes e tetos das casas mal isoladas, o que resulta num aumento do consumo em aquecimento ou arrefecimento, bem como o aumento da emissão de co2 diminuindo assim a qualidade do ar dos imóveis. 


Sound insulation is the creation of a barrier that reduces or prevents the passage of sound from the outside to the inside or vice versa.
No processo de isolamento sonoro é avaliada a natureza do ruido para que o material aplicado seja o mais correto.
Normalmente este isolamento está incorporado no isolamento térmico pois os matérias usados são eficazes nos dois tipos de isolamento.

Advantages of insulation

Temperature control

1 cm of insulating material is as resistant to temperature losses as a 0.5 m thick cement wall;

Prevents humidity/condensation

The insulation system is an effective way to stop the passage of moisture into the property.

Savings in the energy bill

Minimizing temperature losses has a direct impact on electricity savings as it reduces the need for air conditioning equipment.

Reduces noise

Some thermal insulation materials such as rock wool, cotton panels, or wood fiber also improve the sound insulation of buildings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Insulating a property is one of the best long-term investments, because of the large savings you will achieve by avoiding climate control systems, such as air conditioning.

Insulating a property will also bring greater comfort inside due to its higher temperature stable.

The thermal insulation makes any home more efficient and comfortableHowever, it helps us to save not only on the electricity bill but also on the gas bill.

Thermal insulation is, therefore, fundamental to good energy efficiency of a housesince it helps minimize thermal exchanges excessive between the inside and outside of the building.

insulation work carried out by the CAJC

Isolamento e pintura interior em garagem

Insulation in garage - Armação de Pêra


CAJC Contacts

R. Direita 1/2 Loja D, 8400-483 Porches, Algarve

+351 918 410 132 (Call to national mobile network)

+351 917 349 169 (Call to national mobile network)


Monday–Friday: 08:00–17:00