Waterproofing Service

A good waterproofing system is very important in the total protection of the structures of houses, because it reduces or solves damages such as fissures, infiltrations, stains, paint losses caused by rains, humidity, standing water in pipes, gutters, etc, which can cause huge losses to the buildings with the deterioration of the structure.
It is advised that this process be done when houses are being built, but it is also equally effective in houses that have already been built or even in very old houses.
It is a process that demands high rigor so that the paintings, decorations, or other exterior aspects of the houses are not damaged in the process, but also so that the materials used fulfill their functions assertively.
For the waterproofing of buildings, materials such as PVC blanket, polymeric mortar, asphalt blanket, and epoxy resin are used. This service is based on sealing surfaces and can be applied to walls, slabs, roofs, and walls in general, whether they are parts of a building.
Impermeabilização com tela liquida no terraço de um prédio

It is advised that this process be done when houses are being built, but it is also equally effective in houses that have already been built or even in very old houses.

It is a process that demands high rigor so that the paintings, decorations, or other exterior aspects of the houses are not damaged in the process, but also so that the materials used fulfill their functions assertively.

Impermeabilizacão com tela liquida no terraço de um prédio
Impermeabilização com tela liquida no terraço de um prédio
Impermeabilizacão com tela liquida em escadas de moradia
Impermeabilizacão com tela liquida no terraço de um prédio

Para a impermeabilização de edifícios são usados matérias como manta de PVC, argamassa polimérica, manta asfáltica, resina epóxi. Este serviço é baseado na vedação das superfícies e pode ser aplicado em muros, lajes, coberturas e paredes em geral, sejam elas partes de uma edificação.


Solves infiltrations

Solves problems related to infiltrations.

New or old properties

Possibility of execution in new or old properties.

Delays deteorization

Delays the deteorization of buildings.

Versatility in materials

Versatility in the materials used.

Frequently asked questions about WATERPROOFING

Waterproofing is the constructive process that aims to prevent que a água ou outro líquido se infiltre na structure or that it has passed on, causing pathologies in the civil construction, problems in interior and exterior painting, fungus, mold, among others.

To avoid adversities coming from excess humidity, it is necessary to apply a product that makes a protective layer on the wall, floor, or slab, avoiding all structural wear caused by infiltrations. Waterproofing is very important to avoid damaging internal areas, but mainly to ensure physical integrity of the slab structure material, steel and concrete.

Waterproofing agents work in a very simple way, creating a barrier against moisture in slabs, walls, corners, and damp areas.

Water has a very large capacity for percolation and infiltration in any situation, whether by gravity (downward) or also by capillarity (upward).

In this sense, the waterproofing protects the structural elements by forming a safe path for water passage, without it causing damage to the materials.

By waterproofing the exterior surface, you will prevent the creation of favorable conditions on the interior (through exterior cracking) for the appearance of fungus / mold which are harmful to health.

waterproofing works carried out by CAJC

Impermeabilização com tela liquida no terraço de um prédio

Liquid waterproofing in building - Silves


Repair and painting interior/exterior warehouse - Silves


CAJC Contacts

R. Direita 1/2 Loja D, 8400-483 Porches, Algarve

+351 918 410 132 (Call to national mobile network)

+351 917 349 169 (Call to national mobile network)


Monday–Friday: 08:00–17:00